Today marks 28 years since Dekati was officially listed in the Finnish trade registry. We have been extremely fortunate in having highly motivated and talented people working with the Dekati family all these years, and some of the people who founded Dekati 28 years ago are still with our company. Since then, we’ve also gained loads of new talent in aerosol instrumentation design and other core functions of the company, sold lots of fine particle measurement instruments of course and met thousands of interesting people within the aerosol community.
The first ever Dekati instrument was the Classic ELPI and the ELPI technology has since become one of the most used aerosol measurement technologies in the world. Although the Classic ELPI has since been replaced by more modern instruments, all these years our core focus has remained the same – make the most accurate, robust and high quality aerosol measurement instruments for research and industry.
Today, our product line consists of several instruments for real-time measurement of particle concentration and size, cascade impactors for gravimetric particle size measurements and a broad range of dilution and sample conditioning devices. Find out more about what Dekati is today here in our website.